Zucchini Brownies 

Hello loves,

As some of you may know, I am a strong believer in moderation. I also have a big sweet tooth though, so sometimes I have a hard time moderating how many sweets I eat, especially during the study/paper/exam season at school when all I want to do is relax and treat myself. One year, many years ago, when I was in Sunday school at church, my Sunday school leader, Elise, would bake treats for us with hidden healthy foods in them and she would have us guess what was in them, we almost never could. Since then I have fallen in love with the idea of healthy foods, especially ones I don’t normally like – such as zucchini, hidden inside my sweets. This summer I decided that I wanted to bake some of my own and healthy treats and zucchini was the vegetable I was set on. I found a recipe on a mom blog and followed it, replacing flour with gluten free flour, and it is pretty good. My mom likes it too, even though it is healthy and gluten free!


At the beginning when I was mixing all the ingredients together (i just out the wet in with the dry) it still seemed really dry to me but once to zucchini is in there for a little bit it really becomes more moist.


Also you want it baked until it is “Springy” but i would even suggest a bit before that would be good too.


I just put some peanut butter icing on it here and some chocolate sauce.


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