Hey you guys,
as some of you probably know, I just turned 18. Whaaaat?! I definitely do not feel old enough to be 18. I always thought that when I became 19 or 18 I would magically become 5’7″, have long blonde hair, and look like a Victoria’s Secret model. I’m not really sure why I believed that for so long, since it is genetically impossible and just very unrealistic (not to mention, I look terrible with blonde hair), but I did haha. Even though I didn’t magically turn into a flawless barbie during my 18th birthday it was still a pretty great day.  ….or should I say days…? I had my birthday party at a gorgeous, Venetian looking restaurant. The food there is so incredible and super filling.

The next night I went out, to another restaurant, for my friend, Katarina’s, birthday, and that was super fun, especially since we have a lot of the same friends. The only downside was the waitress we had wasn’t very good. She didn’t smile once, hit me twice, walked away twice when we were talking to her, and took 26 minutes to get our bill. But the waitress gave us a common thing to talk about with the girls I didn’t know as well. The afternoon after, some of my longest friends and I went out for lunch for my birthday. I think this was Super Bowl Sunday, so not many people were out at fancier restaurants so it was very easy to talk in there. Then Wednesday my family went out to eat, for my birthday dinner, at a local Indian buffet. Overall my birthday was pretty great. I’m not sure who decided to make a holiday for someone coming out of another person’s body but I’m glad that person did. I took a really long time to post this because I was working on a “What I Got For My Birthday” video but it keeps crashing when I try to download it so…. not doing that anymore haha. I would also like to thank everyone who wished me a happy birthday whether it was here, or on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter.

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